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Classmate Profiles

     Contains profile information: 174
     Profile contains photos: 53
     In Memory: 71
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 58
     Military Service: 77
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 174    Newest Members: 171    Latest Comments: 107  

Douglas Allen    
Robert Barnes    
Brian Baxter    
Kenneth Bell    
Jack Bigler    
William Blandin     
Rodney Boling    
Raymond Bourassa     
Deane Brazas    
Ian Bulger    
William Bump    
John Carter     
Terry Charron    
Randy Clark    
Lee Collyer     
George Connor    
Larry DeYoung     
Larry Durocher     
Ron Ferrel    
James Filbin    
Dale Foss   
Michael Fox    
John Gay   
Steven Hayden    
Elwood Hertzog     
Peter Kerl   
Bud Kopp     
Thomas Lambe     
Robert Lehman    
Craig Lowe    
Jay Magill    
Mark Matuska    
Earl Meyer   
Gary Miller    
Norman Miller    
Ann Murphy   
Benedict Musolf     
Paul Nelson    
Steven Noah    
Mark Patterson     
James Power    
Charles Reed    
John Scales    
Steven Shirey     
Ketron Simon    
Richard Skaare     
Anthony Spanovic     
George Swartz    
Peter Thayer    
Mark Todd   
Guyla Vann     
Larri Werner    
Lawrence Wight     

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